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Select Board Meeting Minutes 7/20/15
Monterey Select Board
Minutes of the meeting of 7/20/15

Meeting Opened at: 4:15pm
Select Board Members Present: Scott Jenssen, Chairperson, Kenn Basler and Steve Weisz

Also in attendance for parts of the meeting:  Jacob Edelman for the Monterey News, Richard Nault, Peter Vallianos, Chief Backhaus and Rick Mielke

Miscellaneous Select Board Items Reviewed:
1.  The Board met with Joe Baker regarding the Community Center.
a.  The 5 year lease will be up in December.  It is renewable for another 5 years with 90 days notice.  The Community Center plans to renew with the Board’s approval.
b.  The rough plumbing is done and the water company has turned on the water; there is a leak somewhere.  The water company is recommending replacing the line rather than patching.  Joe (and the Friends of Wilson McLaughlin) feel that this should be a town expense to replace the line and wanted to know how the Board felt about this.  The Board agreed and stated that rather than replacing the line on RT23 options to come from Bally Gally or New Marlboro Rd should be looked at and the Highway Department should do the work as we have the manpower and equipment not a hired contractor.  Steve will follow up with Shawn Tryon and the water company on this.
c.  Dan Andrus is doing the wiring and wanted to know if we wanted that building tied into the town’s security system. The Board felt that all town buildings be tied to this system; Joe was referred to Chief Backhaus.
2.  Rick Mielke came in regarding using the reverse 911 system in cases like the missing child over the weekend.  The Board explained that there was a communication issue between the towns and the Chief will be working on this (see meeting with Chief below).
3.  Fiona DeRis requested that the following be appointed to the Cultural Council: Wendy Benjamin, Laura Berliner and Dayne Herndon.  A motion was made to appoint Wendy, Laura and Dayne for a three year term. The motion was seconded and passed. Steve Weisz recused himself from this discussion as he is the Treasurer of the Cultural Council.
4.  Regarding anonymous letters – The Selectboard, upon receiving yet another anonymous ‘complaint’ letter, stated that It cannot take any anonymous letters seriously because the Board has no idea just ‘who’ or ‘where’ the complaint is coming from. An article will go into the Select Board corner that restate this policy and encourage all letters of ‘complaint’ or ‘complement’ be signed.
5.  The Board discussed the letter Mike Germain of the Friends of Lake Garfield requested be sent to the State requesting a boat ramp monitor for this season.  The Board felt that it was too late in the season to send this and felt that if any assistance were going to be requested from the State it should be for help with the milfoil.  Steve will let Mike Germain know that the Board would like to discuss a comprehensive plan for the lake after Labor Day.
6.  Steve reported that he spent 2 ½ hours here on Saturday, sold 5 dump stickers and held one meaningful conversation.  He stated he felt it was worthwhile for a Board member to be here on Saturdays.  Kenn agreed.  Scott wasn’t sure why an additional employee should be hired for Saturdays (or why the Board should take shifts) when no other town in MA is open on Saturday.  Scott did agree to be here this Saturday from 9 – 10:30 until the Board can come up with a better solution.
7.  Steve has sent a letter and received a response from the attorney involved in the cell-tower proposal for Chestnut Hill.  The attorney is contacting the tower company and will be in touch soon to begin communications on a new cell-tower proposal.
8.  Kenn reported that a request has been put in with the bridge rental company for the New Marlboro temporary bridge requesting what the cost would be to purchase it.
9.  Kenn corrected the minutes from last week and his comment about the liaison system not working.  He stated he felt it was working fine with the Police Department but not with the Clerk’s office.  Steve disputed this and stated that the only information that a liaison wasn’t passing along to the Board so far was Kenn not reporting when the Chief would be on vacation.
10.  Kenn also had an issue with the word “micromanage” being used to describe the Board’s involvement with regards to the Clerks office and duties in last weeks minutes.  Discussion ensued about who used this word (Scott) and the minutes were amended.
11.  Scott inquired whether a meeting should be posted for the Board as they will all be attending the steak roast on Saturday.  M. Noe provided the Board with exceptions to what constitutes a meeting from the Open Meeting Law.  A meeting will be posted for this Thursday’s school committee meeting to allow the Board to deliberate if necessary.  A meeting notice will also be posted for the steak roast.
12.  Steve reported on the WiredWest Co-op meeting he attended 2 weeks ago.
13.  Grant writer: Steve felt that this town is leaving money on the table by not applying for available grants.  He is aware of money that is available that might help with the cost of a new fire engine.  He has spoken with one interested individual and is proposing that we hire someone who would be paid a percentage (typically 5-10%) of the amount of the grant total we receive.  Kenn and Steve felt it was a good idea but thought that counsel may need to be contacted about the legality of paying someone a percentage of the grant monies received.  The other option would be to pay them out of the temporary employee line item.
14.  Kenn felt that with all the emergency issues of late with roads, bridges, etc. it has become clear that the town needs to have an “emergency fund”.
15.  Main Rd: 8 of 30 culverts have been completed on the RT 23 project.
16.  Steve and Don Clawson will have a demo with one of the proposed credit card systems tomorrow.
17.  Mail was reviewed which included:
a.  Copies of the notice of public hearing and request for comments from Colonial Power.
b.  The Board signed the Title VI/Nondiscrimination assurances for MassDOT.
c.  Than you letter from Berkshire South.
18.  Administrative Assistant’s weekly report was reviewed.  Time off request was approved.
19.  Warrants were signed.

The board met with Chief of Police, Gareth Backhaus to review the following:
1.  Weekly report was reviewed.
2.  Over the weekend the Police were given a FYI from GBPD that there was a missing person from Gt. Barrington that may be near Monterey, the search continued through the weekend.  A reverse 911 call did go out however the Board has been made aware that not everyone received a call.  It was agreed that better communication between the towns need to happen when Eagleton School is involved; Chief Backhaus will speak to Chief Walsh tomorrow.
3.  The Chief requested that Joseph Kennedy be appointed to the position of Reserve/Intermittent Police Officer for a 1 year probationary period dependent upon successful completion of a non-paid Field Training Program.  Scott noted for the record that he was uncomfortable making an appointment without first meeting the individual.  Kenn will make sure that Joseph attends a future Board meeting.
4.  Weekend traffic: Kenn reported that he heard from a number of people that the ability to park and move around this weekend was fabulous thanks to the Chief providing traffic assistance.

A motion was made and unanimously approved to adjourn the meeting at: 6:14pm

Submitted by:
Melissa Noe, Administrative Assistant
Approved by:
Monterey Select Board

cc: Website (
Select Board Members
Minutes Book
Town Clerk